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Similarities between Japanese and Tamil
Tamil and Japanese belong to different language families, so they aren’t related.
But, as any Dravidian speaker would, I too found uncanny similarities between Japanese and Tamil.
PS: I am not a linguist. I am just listing the similarities I found and this does not mean the languages are related.
So, coming to topic :
Both languages use Onomatopoeia.
Tamil : Pottu pottu — is used to denote sound of the rain drops, as well as blisters(sores you get due to chickenpox or measles etc.)
Japanese: potsu potsu — meaning the same.
Japanese : くるくる — kuru kuru means spinning.
Tamil : Kiru kiru meaning the same.
Japanese : どっぷん(doppun) denoting the sound of someone or something falling down.
Tamil: தொப்பென்று (doppendru or doppunu) meaning the same.
Japanese: くすくす (kusu kusu ) — Quietly laughing
Thamizh : கிசுகிசு — (kisukisu or kusukusu) whispering
Japanese : わくわく (waku waku ) — getting excited
Tamil: பக்கு பக்கு (baku baku) — means the same.
Japanese : Musu musu — Itchy